How to be single 

February 14th, 2016, 10:17 PM by Goddess

I got to see “How to be Single” today. The “Robin” character may very well have been based on me. I think I need to move to New York City now. 

It’s been a long time since I’ve had that stupid love feeling. I mean, I have gotten sucked into a few situations I would have happily avoided if I weren’t pursued. What girl doesn’t want to be pursued, even if the guy and/or the situation otherwise wouldn’t interest you?

One line at the end of the movie struck me, that you’re always in a relationship even if it’s a parent or friend or a combination of people. Basically you need to learn to be alone because all those relationships go away and you need to have basically “done you.”

I don’t know anyone better at being alone than me. Even in a room with someone else. Especially in a room with someone else. 

The other thing that struck me from the film was all the guys were good at heart. Lol. Only in the movies. 

Yeah. I should be writing these movies instead of watching someone else’s version of them. 

Me with my two loves — wine and coffee …