Must be the moon

July 20th, 2016, 10:03 PM by Goddess

Rather than listing everything that went wrong today, I’m going to count my blessings. 

I got to take mom out to dinner, which I’ve done exactly three times on a weeknight since I moved here seven years ago. 

The Greek food was very good. I also had an awesome experience at Starbucks. And then I took mom shopping and got her the cutest set of bed sheets that she loves. 

Unfortunately, she feels bad that other things were going kaplooey in grand fashion. And she said she will say no if I ever dare leave the office before X hour again. 

I’m like no. I can’t martyr myself and you can’t do it for me. Things went wrong under my watchful eye. I fixed them to the best of my ability. There is little else to say. 

That’s what I do, you know. Try to re-prove my worth by exchanging even more precious free time. Prove what to whom, though? 

Tomorrow won’t be fun. But there will be a day after it. And a day after that. Like I tell everyone, we get a whole new set of opportunities every day to leave this one behind us.