That thing where …

May 11th, 2017, 7:36 AM by Goddess

You display your Allegra for all to see so they won’t figure out that those watery eyes are actually tears. 

On AHCA (and other life matters)

May 5th, 2017, 6:06 AM by Goddess

Keith Olbermann: “Be heartbroken, be terrified, be angry—but mostly, be calmly vengeful.”

Take another little piece of my heart 

May 5th, 2017, 12:02 AM by Goddess

It only took me three days to get in trouble at the new old job. Yes! Am rebel. 

It’s been a comeuppance. To say the least.  

And don’t get me started on the thing that hurt me the most. And that’s not a short list. 

Snowflake needs a safe space. Too much sensory overload. Preferably a safe space about 25 miles south.


May 4th, 2017, 6:05 PM by Goddess

The one who fucking destroyed it all is shocked, SHOCKED, that it’s all in ruins.

Wine Wednesday

May 3rd, 2017, 6:56 PM by Goddess

Last week I was drinking half-price Meiomi at Mellow. Worked past 10 that night and was perfectly happy. 

Today I’m buying it in a fuckin’ suburb after the worst day ever.  Worked till 11 the past two nights and I’m ready to keep on driving after my shitbag commute. 

Note I went from heathy hummus to cake.

How the fuck is it only Wednesday?!

‘And even though you’re fed up, huh, ya got to keep your head up’

May 2nd, 2017, 7:23 PM by Goddess

A few thoughts to the tune of Tupac:

1. Spending your drives praying that no one kills you, then your days hoping someone does.

2. When the only thing worse than working for X is NOT working for X.

3. Leave Britney alone!

4. All TPS report covers will be filed accordingly. 

5. Going from buying/using all the paper and cleaning products to being squeezed for a dime.