Lucky them

February 11th, 2020, 9:33 PM by Goddess

Boys love a sure thing.

That’ll never be me.

The smart ones love me while they have me.

However long that lasts.

Time is best measured in memories.

Not volume. Intensity.

It only takes one memory for them to never forget me.

It only takes one word for me to never remember them.

Old friends are the best friends

February 11th, 2020, 11:30 AM by Goddess

My ride-or-die just reappeared.

Friend: You got a brother-in-law for me yet?

Me: I got as close as I’ve ever been. But, yeah. No.

Friend: I normally charge but, for you, ass-wupping-grams are always delivered free.

Me: I have a better idea …

Friend: I’m on the next flight out. I got you, girl.

The only thing better than a pissed-off goddess is two of us.

Well, three, really …