Many of us are remembering moments so perfect, we would never need to do them again.
We knew how good they were. We knew then that we could never replicate the wonder, the joy, the closeness, the tastes and textures, the adrenaline coursing through us, the colors we’d never noticed before.
Perfection frozen in time.
Just like in this article …
How Cancer Prepared Me for Coronavirus
With more time to live, the author had perfect moments he suddenly wanted to relive. Something to hold onto when hope was hard to come by.
I have had a handful of perfect moments, dates, days, trips, relationships.
I don’t think much about them.
But that’s because I savored each to the fullest, when I had them.
I promised myself in those moments to live them like I wouldn’t get them back. Wrote about them so I wouldn’t forget.
Some I got back. Most, I didn’t.
It’s tricky to recreate magic. You take Wonder Woman or Superman someplace once and then the Electric Grandmother or Dopey Opie the next time. It’s gonna be different.
I’ve had lots of unusual and decadent experiences. But only a few were spent with someone just happy to be alive and included. That made even the ordinary special. I felt alive, too.
I found a new place I want to try when this is over. I know someone who’d love it. One of those happy types. I am that way, too.
Nice to meet a kindred, even if just for a cocktail.
The author wanted to swim at his summer house with his daughter again.
Me, I’ll be happy for more moments of simply enjoying the moment.
I wish the same for anyone who gave me one of those magic moments. May we all get more.