‘Meaner than a junkyard dog’

April 12th, 2021, 8:43 PM by Goddess

My grandfather liked to play “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” on his guitar in his rock star days.

I still sing it from time to time. But as usual, I make up lyrics.

Today we were singing “the biggest cunt in the whole damn town.”

Haven’t come up with the made-up name yet. But, soon.

I’d say watch for it. But I would be so glad to unhook someone’s snoot from my business for the rest of my life. Any day now…

ETA. Omg. HiddyYus. Hello!

Bad bad Hiddy Yus. Meanest biatch in the whole damn town.

Puta McGhee

April 12th, 2021, 8:39 PM by Goddess

I just got two cute new credit cards. Almost thought about taking a pic and blurring out the numbers.

Then I thought about the one time I posted a five-second video of a book closing.

I might have only had it live on social media for five minutes. Yet some twat nozzle has twatted a few times that she downloaded, paused, and tried to read it.

This fuckin’ nut quotes me so much, I couldn’t be sure if the bullshit she takes out of context came from there or seven other places.

Might want to see a therapist about that.

In any event, no cute cards for youse.