I was just washing dishes after I put a pizza in the oven.
A pizza … overnighted from PITTSBURGH!
And I laughed and laughed about some dipshit who subtweeted me that it “must be nice to not have a house to clean.”
Same nutbag who said it “must be nice to not have kids.”
Same tweet, in fact.
This of course preceded tweets — complete with photos showing their propped-up Sasquatch feet — bragging that someone else in the house was out paying the maid while she lazed.
You didn’t think I could find out. I saw the messages.
I’ll just get back to making lunch, cleaning the house, working and taking care of people who need it … and I’ll do it with gratitude and not complaint.
I’ll also do it without being tempted in the least to see what absolute fucking stupidity this post will inspire on Twitter.