I laugh at all those memes about letting go of grudges for 2023.
Fuck that. I put a curse on a bitch and let their demons deliver it.
Like this cunt.

I stopped at the Publix at North Delray Commons right before it closed on New Year’s Eve.
I feed three cats downstairs and didn’t want to go home empty-handed. Driving past them would break my soul.
It’s these stupid little decisions, done from the heart, that can do you in.
I was behind this lady in line. Part of me wanted to buy her groceries. Another part of me remembered the arrogant bitch I gave my deli number to at Joseph’s and she pushed an old man off his feet.
I got cunt vibes from this one, too. So I minded my business.
I minded my own damn business as I backed out of my parking spot. Till this same heifer purposely drove head-on at me and screamed to back up. M
Meanwhile a tiny Jeep wedged itself into my spot. I said you caused this; fix it and back up.
She kept screaming and by this time, a crowd had gathered. I couldn’t back up without going into the street. So I threw Hillary in park and surfed Twitter.

The ppl in the Jeep told her to move. Then they asked me to move. I said she will probably block you in too if I get out of here alive.
So many bitches need a Christmas tree shoved in up their ass, ornaments and all.
Bitch is screaming that I don’t have the right of way. I said you took it away from me, you nasty bitch.
I said I will sit here all night, so figure it out.
Naturally she found a worker and he told me I was wrong. I said wrong for coming to Publix. Would love to leave if your girl wasn’t out to ruin my day.
Eventually I did back out into traffic because this cunt kept nosing her front end into mine.
Even as I backed up, she gunned for me.
She said have a blessed day. I said drop dead and mom said fuck you, bitch.
I hope her Christmas tree catches fire and she gets cancer. You always hear about people who don’t deserve it. She most definitely does.
I can’t believe I almost bought her mac and cheese and Sweet Baby Ray’s. Hope she choked on it.