I’m channeling an old Ron White sketch where he’s getting arrested and he says he has the right to remain silent but just not the ability.
If I don’t end up getting fired that would be the miracle of the year.
But hey, Momma died. Cocoa died. Janna died. Abortion protections failed in Florida by 3%. And fucking Trump stole the goddamned election.
So yeah, I mean, it would suck but it would also poetically become the final bookend on the worst year of my life.
I am out of tears. I am beyond enraged. And I’m saying whatever I want, whatever I CAN, till they cut out my tongue, take my job and my savings, and remove any ability to have property or a credit card.
Fuck all those “oh it didn’t turn out so bad last time.” YES IT DID and he had guardrails! Those are all gone. Now the depraved lunatic is surrounded by billionaire enablers who are going to deport all the workers and make everything 10x more expensive for the rest of us.
“Democracy dies in darkness.” Remember when the WaPo adopted that as their slogan in 2017?
And now this year, Jeff Bozo said the WaPo editorial board couldn’t endorse Kamala Harris.
Democracy dies in broad daylight. Nov. 5, 2024.
One of the Rs in my orbit said empires fall all the time. I get the feeling they all want anarchy.
I just want sick people like my mom to have treatments. Women to stop bleeding to death in hospital emergency rooms because doctors are afraid of getting sued. People who’ve built a life here and paid more taxes than Trump stole from children’s cancer charities to not worry about being deported. For Black Women to stop having to fucking step up and try to save us and THEM never actually winning a damn thing.
I’ve curated my friends list enough that most agree with, or at least ignore, my rantings.
Today some dipshit who I never really liked, who I have not talked to since 2017, said I was a bad friend because I don’t want to affiliate with tRumpers.
I didn’t think well of him in the first place for professional reasons. He never cared if the work was done. He left when HE was done. Left me in a bind many times.
To hear that he supports tRump? I mean, not surprising, given what I just wrote. But disheartening.
I did unfriend him immediately. His wife, daughters and granddaughter can deal with him directly.
I told my expat friend in South Africa it’s time. Set me up for my consultation. I’m done.
I just need to hold my job so I can have proof of income.
But I also want to punch all the Nazis in the world.
How do I turn THAT into an income stream?!
Seriously, fuck Republican women. And someone better figure out why Missouri is missing so many votes. I would bet when the orangutan assured us he has the votes, the fix was already in.
I would also bet that we can find another 15 million to 18 million, if we look.
Dude wasn’t gonna lose the popular vote this time. Hurt his widdle ego to keep losing it, so he somehow found a way to brag about it.
What I really don’t understand — other than how my mom always said there were more good people than bad, but here we are — is how we supposedly had “record turnout among women for Harris” BUT there are like 15 million fewer votes than the record.
Someone explain to me in small enough words that JD Vance would understand.
Jesus Christ, we’re fucked. It is finished. No more elections, no more democracy, no more gay or trans people, no women who aren’t (for lack of a better word) Karens.
Mom would roll over in her grave if I’d buried her.
I am so sad, I could die right along with her.
I mean, if the vote counts are accurate (highly unlikely) that means everyone who told me they voted for Kamala is suspect. They couldn’t have.
So all these people who tell me I’m great and valuable and they can’t live without me … they would replace me the next day if I bled out in the parking lot. Got it. Valuable.
Not accusing anyone. I respect the one who voted for Chase Oliver. He was never going to vote anything but third party and wasn’t like the Rs I’m thinking about who were all, “Oh we can’t hold our nose and vote for tRump this year.” Bish yes you did. All of you who were looking for libs’ permission to vote your conscience. Vote WITH a conscience, preferably not your own.
Well, I guess I can’t say do it next election. There won’t be one.
Right now my only hope is tRump is buffoon enough to have a lovers’ spat with Elon Musk and deport him.
I mean, it’s not out of the realm.
My only other hope is Joe Biden appoints Kamala as 47 so that all the shitty Temu Trump 47 merch becomes even more useless.
Now THAT is something to live for. That’s about it though.