I had a moment today.
I used to often start sentences with, “If I were (department) director.”
Knowing full well I was, of course.
But I kind of always hedged it. Maybe I was waiting for my idea or will to be overturned.
I’m a lifelong Democratic voter after all. My will isn’t exactly done.
Anyway it became a joke and then Howler spelled “director” wrong on a badge and honestly the life and humor got sucked out of me.
Today I was brainstorming with my team. And I started to say, “If I were (department) director.”
And I stopped myself and said I am the director. So AS director, I say (what I needed to say).
I told them, if this election has taught me anything, it’s that I want all of us to step into our power.
I made them promise they will own their feelings and beliefs, too. And own reality.
You ARE in charge. Show me. Show the world.
I hope this was a good meeting today. I mean, we covered all the business stuff. But I checked in with them personally.
The kids aren’t alt-right, thank god. But they will be all right. I know it.
I will be too. I have to be. For them. For me, most of all.