Now and then, she rereads the manuscript
Of the entire torrid affair.
I really don’t.
Not only do I not go through old text messages, I will admit to deleting most of them.
But I do have a million journals. And even those are collecting dust right now.
If I did read them, I’d either remember why I loved them … or why I didn’t.
And neither of those is good for me.
In the age of him, she wished she was thirty
And made coffee every morning in a French press.
30-ish. Right, Wildebeest?
Afterward, she only ate kids’ cereal
And couldn’t sleep unless it was in her mother’s bed
Literally everything makes me miss my mother.
Like, Nov. 25 is my grandparents’ wedding anniversary. 1950. 74 years ago.
And my grandfather died in the wee hours of Nov. 26. Killed by the Veterans Administration hospital in Aspinwall (Pittsburgh). I hope Dr. Trang killed herself because she was so incompetent.
Anyway. I would normally be sad with mom right now. Now I’m sad without her.
The years passed like scenes of a show
The professor said to write what you know.
I spend my life worried I’m not good enough for/at my job. Then I spend five seconds with Howler.
But then I get out and about — on vacation, with other Wall Street types, in jury duty — and I realize I’M FUNNY AS HELL. First of all. And second, that people LISTEN to me. And LOOK TO ME for leadership.
And I think about Taylor Swift. (Shut up if you have a problem.) Like, if there was never an Eras Tour, she never would have broken up with Joe … dated Ratty … and met Travis.
Also, I remember the Tampa show. She was so serious. So sad. I mean, hell of a show. But seeing her a year and a half later in Miami, she’s all giddy and giggles and just GLOWING and shit.
And Travis — he was already a phenomenal player. But he’s gotten even BETTER. His track record, already near impeccable, has gotten even closer to perfect.
Travis’ signature arrow in Miami, a year and a half after the Tampa show.
Iron sharpens iron, the bible thumper types say.
What if my iron struck someone else’s iron? Would there be alchemy there, too?
Meanwhile I am sitting around all dull and shit. I don’t want to end up like (redacted).
Forget the unexamined life. I’ve examined it plenty.
I don’t want an UNLIVED life.
Lately I alternate between living hard for a few days and then sitting on my uncomfortable couch for weeks at a time.
Like, even last week I felt alive. Hell even today I did about 10 loads of laundry of unused shit I can’t wait to donate. But it’s all done in procrastination of shit I find so tedious. Nothing like a painful work project to ensure I have a clean house.
And at last, she knew what the agony had been for.
Nothing happens to/for you while you’re sitting in your apartment.
And I’m not going to find what the agony has been for inside these walls.
Maybe I’ll never have my own Eras Tour level of success. Or my own Travis.
Or maybe I would, if I just set out to find both.
Now and then, I reread the manuscript
But the story isn’t mine anymore
Time to write a whole new story. Let (redacted) stay right where I left them.