“Who do I have to speak to
About if they can redo the prophecy?”
However many years ago, I awoke to some weirdo having followed me on Twatter.
I tweeted, “Hard pass, Grimace!” and moved on.
Or, should have moved on.
The Hamburglar followed me around like a wounded dog and asked if I said that. I said I sure did.
Now, what I should have done right then and there was cast a pox upon McDonaldland and never looked back.
But no, I logged into an account they didn’t know about. And morphed into Birdie the Early Bird, the newest member of that fucked-up playhouse.
If you ask me what moments I’d go back to in my life and change, that was one of them.
Today I got a notification on the Butterfly App that someone with a dumb name followed me or liked a post or some shit.
I thought tell me this twatter isn’t still pulling her goofy juvenile shit six years later.
You’re 60 years old. SIXTY. That’s like 500 in dog years.
Anyway I blocked that greige goon and moved on.
“I got cursed like Eve got bitten
Oh, was it punishment?”
In fact, I had blocked Grimace’s main account already. So they’re back to creating workarounds.
I’m redoing the prophecy.
I wouldn’t go back and erase what led to this nonsense.
But I can smile broadly that I’ve evolved.
And, it appears, I’m the only one.