Snow White and the 7 Dorks

February 20th, 2025, 7:19 AM by Goddess

I asked my friend to let me know if there’s anyone talented looking for some work.

I didn’t define talented. I just said if there’s someone interesting who has some bandwidth, send them my way.

Let me tell you, the dregs of the industry have been showing up in my inbox like all of Mom’s suitors, or as I called them, “Snow White and the 7 Dorks.”

One was someone we fired and I was promoted to that position.

To read “I have some bandwidth,” I laughed. You had bandwidth when you worked here. You took two hour lunches and said no every time I asked you for help.

I don’t have any ill will. I don’t have any anything.

But to have the balls to go on to ask for my help in getting an open job that’s posted? Wow.

I of course hit delete. And I thought, shit, there is one other person this delight knows in the company. I bet they go to this person.

Yesterday, that person said oh hey so and so is trying to reach you.

Goddamn it.

I just said use the application link. I have nothing to do with it.

As I sit here and think about it, this person probably could be a better asset on an ad-hoc basis than one I already have. They can still pirouette though the parking lot for hours on end.

But, worms, can, that sort of thing.

No, just no.