Maybe the good girls get to win for a change

February 22nd, 2025, 12:56 PM by Goddess

Got to talking to my best friend about all the things.

Including all the stuff I would never dare post.

For her, after a nightmare year, it looks like a dream is about to come true.

I mean, it’s not going to look quite like she planned. But still, it’s more than she expected at this point.

I said to her, since hell has frozen over, I’m speaking it into existence now. We will meet stable men this year.

I also told her about getting a call to give a reference for the seven-foot ballerina. And my reply being he’s really good at two-hour lunches.

She loved it and said what I have as this post’s headline.

Speaking of meeting stand-up men …

I dreamed one of my boys showed up at the conference I’m attending next week. He invited me to (tropical island nation) and someplace else. But I couldn’t make it to the someplace else because I’ll be in (redacted). But please tell me about (tropical island nation).

I texted him when I woke up. Didn’t mention that we were making out in the dream. But I did tell him the rest.

He surprised me by saying no, no plans for (tropical island nation), but sounds intriguing.

But he really surprised me when he said maybe the message from your dream is that I’m supposed to stow away on your trip to (redacted).

I almost typed back that he’d be a sexy stowaway. But I did say he’d be a sweet one. He said he sure hopes I’d think so.

We talked back and forth for a bit between all of Friday’s awfulness. A very welcome distraction.

I thought about what I’d said to my BFF, that this is the year we meet sane men and that I was speaking it into existence.

Literally spoke it into existence on the same day I talk to a sane man. Whoa.

I wish he were coming to this event. I know the company sponsoring it and, actually, they are the ones who introduced me to him.

I asked my tarot cards two questions — what do I think about him (Three of Cups, photo above) and what does he think of me (Four of Wands).

Well damn.

3C can go a few ways.

Friends you have a blast with, which applies.

Reunion with someone you are fond of that leads to something more. Intriguing.

Or multiple suitors.

I mean, honestly, I win any which way.

Four of Wands, what he thinks of me. Well. That’s the marriage card.


4W can also foretell of a romantic reunion.

Anyway. What an interesting pair to pull.

The follow up spread was pretty good too.

Will i see this person at (redacted) and how will it go? Am emotionally enlightened man, soulmate card, generational wealth.


I’m not saying it’s my year. Dreaming doesn’t come easily or at all here anymore

But I’m also not saying it isn’t going to be, either.