Pompous and circumstance

Watching Shrubya vow to protect the Constitution (on the 11 p.m. news) is wildly funny to me. I’m sure he also reserves the right to whack off to two girls getting it on, but if those two girls want to get married, then that means wasting more dollars pushing more useless legislation. Like Bill says, words mean what we want them to.

Unrelated, I got an invitation to join a conservative group. HAH. Bloody fucking HAH. Not to say I’ve never voted conservatively, because I sure have. But not this time ’round, and I’m pretty touchy right now about what this country could and should be doing for its own people, and not just the more fortunate ones. And I just don’t look good in a bowtie. 😉

In better news, I was listening to Elliot this morning, and he mentioned that Jon Stewart’s name is being kicked around to replace Dan Rather on CBS. Is this for real? I grinned for miles after I heard that! Elliot said that if CBS is going to release fake news, then at least they’d have an anchor to inject the humor in the broadcast. 😀

On iTunes: Bunch of Drunken Irishmen, “Fuck You I’m Drunk”

5 Responses to Pompous and circumstance

  1. A.McSholty :

    Not only is CBS kicking around Jon Stewart’s name but also Katie Couric’s. Apparently, Les Moonves has realized that CBS’s news division is totally in the shitter and wants to do something wildly different…that I’m guessing will NOT be news and be more of a vacant wink at news and a bunch of celebrities paraded across the anchor desk. Ugh. Why is it that the networks insist on whoring out journalism this way.

  2. Gregory Walters :

    ::::::::snip::::::::Watching Shrubya vow to protect the Constitution (on the 11 p.m. news) is wildly funny to me. I’m sure he also reserves the right to whack off to two girls getting it on::::::::::snip::::::::::::

    No, that would be Billie Boy, our former President.

    Regards (and willing to bet my right arm you have never voted for a conservative in your life)

  3. Mirella :

    I’m really torn on the Katie Couric issue. My initial thought was, “Oh GAWD, how awful. She’s not a real journalist!” But then I remembered that she did a pretty good job when she interviewed Kerry during the campaign (wasn’t an attack dog but really didn’t let him get away with much.) And maybe we perceive her to only be capable of serving up fluff because that’s her job on Today. Perhaps she has the chops for Real News but hasn’t been given the opportunity to show what she can do?

    Or, maybe it will just be awful, empty fluff. But at least we’ll have Jon Stewart poking fun of everyone. That’s enough to get me to tune in.

  4. Dawn :

    I’m just glad if we can get Jon Stewart on network TV — I miss “The Daily Show” now that I am sans cable. 🙂 I agree, Katie Couric might not be so bad if she didn’t have to dish up sunshine like she does every morning on “Today.” But maybe that’s CBS’s new tactic — let’s liven up the nighttime snooze fest a bit.

    And Gregory, I am not defending myself on my own blog. Move along.

  5. Anonymous :

    “And Gregory, I am not defending myself on my own blog. Move along.”

    Well, said, Dawn! I am happy to see you up and standing strong again! Sadly too many people are only interested in keeping themselves “safe” instead of trying to make an actual difference in life.
