Frankincense and myrr-der me please

I used to be so angry at work.

This job and every job before it.

That people weren’t working 14 hours and commuting three like me.

That they had doctor’s appointments and dance recitals and soccer games to get to. That deadlines didn’t change because they had somewhere else to be.

That I felt somehow personally responsible for holding all the shitshows together.

That it never occurred to me to take the time I deserved and, frankly, needed.

I think of how Brad didn’t approve my vacation and feigned shock when I canceled it. He knew I wasn’t going to let anything fail. He knew I couldn’t trust him to do fuck all of anything to cover me. Because he would let it all go to shit and then BLAME me.

I think of all the doctor’s appointments I never made. All the appointments MOM never asked for because god forbid it would get in the way of work.

I think of all this now when the best I can give is a few hours of hard jamming because I cannot fucking focus on anything till 11 or later.

How I turn into a pumpkin at five and honestly it’s really four or 3:30. Though I will struggle till six just to justify the mythical “workday.”

I look back on those people I called lazy in my life. I still think most of them were. But a few, I wish I would have given them the grace I need.

The memory problems from (undiagnosed) long covid.

The aches and pains that come with being a woman of thirtysomething.

The fucking forgetfulness that made me order a pink shirt to go with the pink Christmas earrings I bought two weeks ago. The earrings that I’ve LOST and now I have a pink shirt and no jewelry to match.

The same forgetfulness that made me misplace Christmas ornaments and picture frames. Like seriously where the fuck are they, cavorting with the earrings? I bought a damn photo printer and a tree FFS. Can has one damn completed project? ONE?!!

Ok, one.

And the sadness of losing everyone and the guilt of wishing them away once or twice under some illusion that life would return to being calm and productive and fun again eventually.

I feel sometimes like I’m not entitled to my grief. And other times, I feel rightly sentenced to it.

Randomly I googled my landlady. Been here six years and it never occurred to me.

My god, it’s tragic. No wonder she does not give shit one about this place. Everyone who lives here dies. Everyone.

I better get out before I do, too.

Or maybe this is a good place to go out. Everybody’s doing it.

Good enough for them, good enough for me. Why would I think I deserve any better?

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