
Today I spent: $200

Today I earned: $0

Perhaps I have taken my attitude of, “I’ll be fine financially … eventually — stop worrying” a little bit too far.

Spent the afternoon doing serious credit card damage at Tyson’s Corner. Didn’t bring home much, though. Got some great new sheets and some wrought-iron curtain rods and entirely too many specialty food treats from Harry & David.

Un Self-employed people should not have this much fun with money they don’t have yet. 🙂

I did pick up a freelance gig for next week. Woo hoo! I *really* lowered my rates to ensure I would get the job. The great news is that this will pay my rent next month. Hurrah! The glorious news is that I can do it from the sanctity of my own home.

I’ve applied for about a dozen other freelance leads, but I’m not sure how to dazzle people via e-mail. I figure that sending a resume and a PDF of a professional reference is a good start, but alas, I am a newbie and who only knows what protocols I am missing at this point. Live and learn, I suppose. My next goal is to write a consultant agreement, and fast!

What I need to do now is hit the Virginia lottery — I need a laptop in case any of these leads come through during the three weeks my plants will be dying that I am on vacation. Many props to go Cope for creating the Freelance Daily newsletter for us homebound employees. Sign up, friends! It’s free and you’ll love perusing employment leads that land in your inbox by 9 a.m. every weekday!

In other news, my previous week’s shopping yielded big results in my post office box today. A couple of great shirts from Old Navy (I need to be trendy even if I’m not leaving the house!) and my Passion Parties business cards awaited my arrival as well. By the way, I LOVE donations mail — drop me a line (or a contract) at P.O. Box 9663, Alex., VA 22304!

Oh, and I have a DATE tonight (Thursday). Hurrah! Here’s to hopefully finding a sane single in my neck of the woods! At least I can sport one of my new outfits — I swear, dating should be a business expense in its own right! 😉

On iTunes: Frou Frou, “Let Go”

One Lonely Response to Shopping

  1. Dave Tepper :

    So? Spill, bubbeleh! Or have you not come home yet as I type this? 🙂