One of these things is not like the other

So, today I:

1. Got my site migrated AND un-fucked up from a recent hacking, thanks to the AMAZING team at Blog Wranglers. Did I mention it was quick and painless and they are the nicest guys around? You should have Blog Wranglers migrate your site. Seriously. They rock. True Web geniuses, I tell you!

2. Updated my resume. And reaffirmed the fact that I managed to achieve a lot in a very short time frame. Or, tried like hell to. 🙂

3. Realized that I have some absolutely amazing friends and mentors who will always have my back. God was extra-good to me in this regard, and I thank Him profusely for it.

4. Got some cool stuff in the mail that I was afraid I would never receive.

5. Do not have a job to go to anymore.



Not sure what else to say about that.

I’d love to say “it’s all good” and believe that I will indeed be thankful someday. (Today is not that day, however.)

But really, when you look at the (very abbreviated) list of what happened today (and that ain’t even the half of it), you see that four out of five items are blessings. And maybe so will the fifth, one day.

All I have to say is that karma pays it back to some people, and pays it forward to others.

And I guess my karma has been pretty pristine, because at a time when I could be freaking the fuck out, I’m OK. The universe has my back. I can not only feel it, but I can see it plain as day.

Better days are coming. Don’t count me out just yet. My success story is still a work in progress. But maybe everyone is right and that this is the kick in the ass I needed to get back on the right track.

Maybe it’s time to write that book. Since I have quite a lot to say. And it deserves the proper forum. Look out, Patrick Lencioni. Your biggest fan is ready to record her own story!

Right after I go to Key West for the New Year, of course. Damn non-refundable trip that I didn’t purchase the “job loss” insurance for. *facepalm* Oh well. Nothing like ringing in the new year from my happy place to ensure that I bring in 2011 with nothing but joy and anticipation.

(I’m hoping this all doesn’t fuck up my Paris trip.)

But mark my words, Lady L and I will be toasting with champagne at this time next year in New Orleans. And laughing at how silly 2010 was and thank God we never have to feel again the way we felt during that crazy year we spent in Florida.

One Lonely Response to One of these things is not like the other

  1. Silver Blue :

    Don’t know if you can tolerate her or not, BUT… you need to seek out a song from Burlesque – Cher’s “You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me” (I’ve got the remixes, which kick ass. I sort of think that it might be the soundtrack to your day, Goddess:

    Feeling broken
    Barely holding on
    But there’s just something so strong
    Somewhere inside me
    And I am down but I’ll get up again
    Don’t count me out just yet

    I’ve been brought down to my knees
    And I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
    But I can take it
    I’ll be back
    Back on my feet
    This is far from over
    You haven’t seen the last of me
    You haven’t seen the last of me

    They can say that
    I won’t stay around
    But I’m gonna stand my ground
    You’re not gonna stop me
    You don’t know me
    You don’t know who I am
    Don’t count me out so fast

    There will be no fade out
    This is not the end
    I’m down now
    But I’ll be standing tall again
    Times are hard but
    I was built tough
    I’m gonna show you all what I’m made of!