
It’s 4 a.m. Just ever so slightly stressed about work. One thing I am finding is that my interviews all seem to roll in at the last minute; thus I have to scramble to chat with folks and throw all the info together in a heartbeat. It’s fun, and I love the pressure, but I see a few draining days ahead of me. And, after six weeks on the job, I have to waste time for the next two days on an orientation and on a welcome lunch. This comes at the WORST possible time, and it means I must reschedule an interview I’ve been trying for days to get. Not that the person is famous and important, mind you, but people’s schedules are busy and chatting with a pseudo-reporter is perhaps the least of their concerns.

I see the Blackbaud philanthropy conference is happening again this October. I sent the link to our CFO, who seems to adore me, to say it’s a great conference and maybe they might want to send someone. That was a big ole hint, but I disguised it well. I’d love to go again.

Dreamed of Brat last night, speaking of the conference in South Carolina. I realize now that his eyes are burned into my soul. Another one who got away … what is it about me that I manage to scare the hell out of the good guys yet can’t get rid of the losers?

My profile on Match.com is updated! For the first time, I ran a search on “my matches.” Thank goodness I don’t have a webcam, because my 100 percent match was … you guessed it … RK. My jaw was on the floor. Not that I doubted the results, because I believe it wholeheartedly, but I was thinking, then, that every time he runs that same search, my profile must pop up in his result list, too. Heh heh.

Going to the gym after work tonight. I snuck in on Sunday night, 15 minutes before they closed. Got a good workout on the exercise bike … I increased the level of difficulty and nearly died right there, but hell, it was a nice way to burn 122 calories! I’m glad I started this workout stuff while I’m young … ’cause without high stamina, I’d never be able to commit to it otherwise.

Haven’t bought cigarettes in close to six weeks. Woo hoo!!!

In other news, Charolette says that CTL reversed his resignation and took a demotion from administrator to manager at Two Strikes. Did I start a trend, demoting oneself just to get out of the line of fire? He’s nuts … if you hate a job enough to quit, you aren’t going to love it any more if you choose to stay longer. With me, after three months in my demotion, I was happier than ever but still not happy enough to stay at the job — and I handed in my resignation at the post-self-inflicted-demotion’s three-month mark. Somebody please tell CTL that things will never get better there, OK?

In other news, since somebody isn’t posting their news, I’m going to be an aunt!!! This just means more trips to Pittsburgh in my future than expected. lol. But it’s all good. Maddie is thrilled to have a human cousin on the way!

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