I dream of a day when all professional correspondence is done via IM. Loony bitch at one of our divisions is continuing to go apeshit over her own asininity, and unfortunately, a piece of correspondence of hers managed to float up to Kumquat. He of course wants to know if the mistake were on her part or on the publication’s part. Of course, it’s on her part, and I have the message to prove it. But she’s a sniveling freak — who only knows how she’ll handle it. She and I have an unpleasant history, and it’s all because she’s whiny and argues with me on everything, even though she’s only competing for my limited free space, which 100 people are competing for and I can only take 8 to 10 submissions a month. And like Jimmy said, he can just HEAR the can of whoop-ass being opened over here. 🙂
Just met with a potential designer for the publication. I liked him a lot and hope to see him again — total hippie Mac-user guy with a ponytail and a good eye for design. Kumquat is getting two bids on the project, but I hope this guy gets it. I wonder if he’s going to ask J-Ho to be the other bidder. From what IKEA Boy told me, my proficiency in Quark is way higher than hers, so I might have to rumble with someone if I hear she gets the job.
So many of my interviews have fallen through for this issue. The most recent of which is the guy who WANTS to talk but gave me the wrong phone #. Gaaah!!! And he typed it in an e-mail, too, so I didn’t fuck it up myself. 🙂 But back to my earlier thought, if we could just type in real time, I wouldn’t have to mess with the phone and then also not have to type this shit in when I hang up the phone. 🙂
But, that’s just my humble opinion. …