Bumming around

Okay, kids, for those of you who actually BET that I would have gone to the gym today, YOU LOSE!!! Hee hee. I went to Starfucks, to the park, called my mom, listened to CDs and went shopping to the tune of several hundred dollars (although there are some gifts mixed in there too). 😉 Went for a drive, too. Long but good day.

I meant to turn in an apartment application today, but as they wanted to know everything but my blood type and preferred brand of tampon, I put that off till tonight so that I can get somewhat-accurate answers. I bought lots of new bathroom stuff, including a scale. EEEEEKKK!!! Those fuckers are expensive, and not one matches my decor, so I bought a mid-price one (Update: the fucker doesn’t work. Damn electronics!). I also ended up with two lamps, to complement the artwork and table that I bought at IKEA yesterday.

At some point, it might occur to me to save money for my move, but nah. Next paycheck I’ll start. 😉 Never miss a sale today when you can sit home tomorrow!

I hated being dressed in gym clothes today. Don’t get me wrong — I was comfortable, but boys just don’t look at you when you look like shit. But at least my feet aren’t hurting, so that’s a good thing, I suppose. 😉

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