O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
How much I love to chew on thee. ...
Tomorrow's the day I get Burritoed into my too-tiny cage and shuttled to Pittsburgh, although Grandma says there's gonna be a lot of snow, starting tonight, where we're going. She even told Mommy that, if we aren't coming today, we shouldn't come tomorrow, 'cause the weather is at least good today. Shit, Mommy ain't gonna drive in the dark, so I have another day to myself. I just hope the bitch can drive in snow/on ice, 'cause we aren't even packed and ready. The bitch is still at work, too (although I know she's only burning CDs and not actually WORKING!).
She and Aunt Daddy were supposed to go out tonight, but he bailed on her. She's mad, 'cause she would've had us ready to leave at noon today otherwise. Hopefully she'll go down to D.C. by herself and leave me alone with my pretty tree tonight. Although, she did just get her new Melissa Etheridge video, and she'll probably want to watch that at some point tonight. Oh, joy -- the lesbian music fiesta begins. ...
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