I Crap In a Box

I'm Maddie, a fabulous foul-mouthed Calico from Washington, D.C. I sleep, whine and poop a lot. Swearing like a sailor and vomiting like a supermodel round out my typical day. Tormenting my sister also warms my heart!

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Pissy Pussies

Lil Miss Chloe needs to realize that I am far less interested in making friends with her than she is with me.

She also needs to realize that, by attacking my lovely fluffy tail, she is NOT pursuing this friendship thingy the right way.

I was sitting on Mommy's lap last night, enjoying some much-overdue affection since the lil terror arrived on our doorstep, when Chloe pounced onto Mommy's shoulder to show me that she's got an "in" with Mommy too. Fuck her. I hissed like a rattlesnake, to show her that I was most unimpressed. Mommy complained 'cause my breath stunk like Mow Mix, so I hissed at her too.

Today, I climbed onto one of my chairs, and Chloe thought she could take a running start and leap in my face. Oh, but no, dear little dumbass. I shot her a look, and she went sailing. But then the dumb shit came BACK to harass me, this time sitting right under my chair. I tensed up and waited for her to get a bright idea, and just as my tail flopped down in relaxation, she went for it and dug her claws into it. Bitch!

We continued like this for some time -- me, sitting high up in my rightful place, and her, my subject beneath me. She kept bugging me to pay attention to her, so I tried hissing to make her go away. And did it work? Of course not!

And what was our dear Mommy doing during this piss-fest? Taking photos, of course! Asshole -- you'd think she'd help out her favorite daughter, right? :)

At any rate, I now have digital photos to prove that Chloe was the one antagonizing me, so I am happy about that. If I'm feeling good this week, I might just post one of those photos, showing me as the queen. Of course, Mommy needs to figure out where she packed the battery charger, 'cause the camera just died. I must go remind her to take care of this.

My goodness, how would these two survive without me to keep them in line? :)


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