A day with Maddie and Kadi
First, we start the day with breakfast. Here's Kadi (as usual) tryin' to see what's in my bowl. She will go to my bowl after I leave to go poop.

After a hearty breakfast, I like to drink some water to wash it down. But not out of a bowl or our kitty fountain -- I prefer sinks and bathtubs. See Kadi following to see what I'm doing so she can copy me!

I tell Kadi exactly what I think of her following me!

Time to take a nap right inside the screen door! And when we wake up, we can listen to all the annoying neighborhood children in the parking lot below.

Kadi rarely forms a thought, but here she is trying to figure out how to get outside. Next time Mommy unlocks the screen, I will slide the door open and let Kadi run out on the balcony, but I will stay inside with my halo on as straight as possible. :)

Sometimes Mommy gets off her fat ass and rewards me with some catnip. Here, I stole the bag from her so I could get even more high off those sumptuous herbs!

Kadi is too young to be placated by smokey kitty treats, so she runs up to Mommy and scratches the fuck out of her. Here, Mommy captures the little beast whining for getting punished (she gets scruffed) for drawing blood.

So we go back to sleep inside the window, and when we're hungry again, we go harass Mommy and look pathetically cute so she will feed us a good dinner.

After I get done eating, I go back to the litterbox to take a steaming shit. Kadi takes that opportunity to go visit my bowl. Mommy shoos her away from my food and encourages her to go back to her own bowl ... six dozen times. Finally, Mommy zings her with the watergun. Kadi isn't pleased with the water being zapped at her noggin.

When Kadi is bad, I get rewarded with treats.
Soon, it's time to go to sleep for the night, assuming Kadi doesn't jump on me and harass me every minute of the freakin' night. I'm really sleepy, so I decide to sneak in a snooze while Mommy's still awake to protect me. 'Nite everyone!

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