Puss in Boots Poop
I'm back and feeling much better now -- thanks to everyone who kept their paws crossed and thought happy thoughts for me! ;)
But now it's my stupid sister Kadi who's sick ... and this time, she's got a mean case of the runs. She shat all over the apartment today -- she left five wonderfully steamy piles of runny shit in the bathroom, in the hallway, in the dining area and in the living room. She also knocked over Mommy's always-full ashtray that sits next to our computer keyboard, and Mommy was none too pleased. Tee hee -- glad Mommy doesn't blame me for all the stupid shit Kadi does!
But I do have to take credit for one thing. Next to our litterboxes, Mommy keeps two big scoops so she can excavate shit out of the boxes whenever we take our hourly dumps. Well, I decided that I just couldn't POSSIBLY allow Kadi to shit more than I can, so I took a dump straight into one of the litter scoops. I was so pleased -- not only had I been creative and "pooped outside the box," but I also did it in a way that was convenient for Mommy to dispose of the chunks. Clever little shit, ain't I? :-D
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