Roses really smell like pooh pooh pooh
The OutKast song was written for Kadi and me!
For Mommy's 30th birthday last month (old bitch!), Aunt Bryan and Aunt Paul gave Mommy some pretty hot-pink roses. She wanted to keep them, so she put them high up on top of the bookcase to dry out. Well, Kadi got up there, knocked the flowers to the floor, and we went to town on them, eating them up while Mommy slept. She awoke to a big mess that included lots of green vomit, as the tasty petals did not agree with our tender tummies.
Aunt Bryan had also made a sculpture for Mommy, and Kadi knocked that down and ripped it apart. Boy is she pissed! But at least she knows I wasn't the one responsible for that!
hmm you are fair dinkum weird woman
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