No shit
I mean it -- I'm constipated. And alas, so is my creativity.
I'm just pissed off 'cause somebody was smart enough to start marketing Poop Paintings. Every time I do poop paintings (my latest project is trying to wipe an M for Maddie on the carpet), Mommy sprays Woolite Pet Stain crap on my original work and scrubs it away. Bah! And she's always telling me to go get a job -- look what I could have done!
Oh, the agony.
But never fear -- my beloved minions are looking out for me and wish to share some light litterbox reading for you:
From the amazing Barb, of Bloggo Chicago fame as well as the spectacular Cat-O-Bloggo, she points us toward the antithesis of MY fabulous page: I Don't Crap In a Box. Thanks Barb!!!
And we have a new reader, Bubec, whose mommy Agatha shared a story for us:

"Just thought you might be amused to see Bubec, the North Carolina cat with too much instinct in knowing where the kitty treats are. I came home one afternoon to find him seated next to the food bowl waiting for cat treats. Unfortunately, my boyfriend had left to work with those same treats on the counter. Bubec had happily torn the bag apart and ate them all. For a week we teased him with the empty bag as a reprimand. The first day we did it, irony befell us. As I was taking pictures of him attacking the bag, one last treat dropped out.
Tee hee. Go Bubec! I always love to hear stories of we four-pawed wonders triumphing over our captors. And that's one good-lookin' tomcat, if I say so myself. ;) Thanks Agatha!