Riding dirty

February 19th, 2020, 9:13 AM by Goddess

Future shot of 95.

I can have fun by myself

February 18th, 2020, 3:59 PM by Goddess

Impossible to take a good selfie at this joint. But I got a lot of work done there today. Just turn your back to Fox News and it’s exactly what your day needs.


Of all the blogs in this town, you had to walk into mine

February 17th, 2020, 8:35 AM by Goddess

I read that Michael Bloomberg is hiring malignant narcissists and comedy writers to serve on his communications team. You know, to appeal to the deplorables. It’s genius, really.

Just writing it here in case a couple of Floridians need a job. It’s one of those rare times when I would give a throaty recommendation.

Speaking of, I was literally at my new job three days when someone from my past decided that they need a job there. They declared to a fellow industry friend that I’d be the one to get them in.

I laughed.

Then my new publisher called. You know, because word travels THAT fast.

I did one of my usual, super great person and easy to work with. The kind of person you tell them what to do, and they do it.

Code for: Interesting but not compelling.

Literally the guy was my boss three days and he said, hmm. “What is it you always say, Goddess? Interesting but not compelling?”

Further validation of my recent life choices.

In any event, I am reminding myself that words matter. You never know what’s going to get through to someone. And you really never know what’s going to wound them. Or their reputation. Or, you know, their personal economy.

As for me, maybe I’ve encountered enough mean-spirited fools over a lifetime that I can take most everything with a grain of salt and glass full of margarita on the rocks.

But I got to thinking about my MN from the past. The comment I’ve been sitting on for 20 years … the one that will shut that person up forever.

Funny I’ve never used it. I’ve needed it. I’ve wanted it. I’ve had occasion. But even I don’t want that level of regret in my heart for hurting that particular person.

As Aaron Burr sang in “Hamilton,” he’ll forever be the villain in Alexander Hamilton’s story.

[Gotta love when the self-appointed victims realize the role they create in our lives.]

Funny also that my latest MN has used a similar dig on me twice now. The one too low for even me to bring up to someone else who actually put my physical and mental and economic status in jeopardy.

So maybe words don’t matter.

But the fact that I still care how they land means there’s hope for me yet.

Be well. Be blessed. And please, for the love of God, be gone.

In the cards

February 14th, 2020, 9:28 AM by Goddess

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I asked the tarot what I really want in a partner.

Tarot must be reading my diary or my other blog:

1. Three of Cups.

Friendship, fun, laughter, celebration, bliss.

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

2. King of Wands.

Divine masculine. Pure fire energy.

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

3. Four of Pentacles / Coins

Respects money.

Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.

Not an air sign (sword) to be found. Hmm.

Now to find the card for “and not already spoken for” / “beware of bulldog.”

Happy hug day to me

February 12th, 2020, 7:06 PM by Goddess


‘My little Hercules never hurt anyone’

February 12th, 2020, 4:22 PM by Goddess

“And everything turns red.”

Loves me not, this year.

But oh, ?those summer nights ? …

She thinks I’m not allowed to remember. He’s not allowed. Maybe she can stop trolling me and reminding him when he had it good.

Lucky them

February 11th, 2020, 9:33 PM by Goddess

Boys love a sure thing.

That’ll never be me.

The smart ones love me while they have me.

However long that lasts.

Time is best measured in memories.

Not volume. Intensity.

It only takes one memory for them to never forget me.

It only takes one word for me to never remember them.

Old friends are the best friends

February 11th, 2020, 11:30 AM by Goddess

My ride-or-die just reappeared.

Friend: You got a brother-in-law for me yet?

Me: I got as close as I’ve ever been. But, yeah. No.

Friend: I normally charge but, for you, ass-wupping-grams are always delivered free.

Me: I have a better idea …

Friend: I’m on the next flight out. I got you, girl.

The only thing better than a pissed-off goddess is two of us.

Well, three, really …


February 10th, 2020, 12:00 PM by Goddess

It’s the official first day of my new life.

Bought a new dress and everything.

From Macy’s. May it soon rest in peace.

Macy’s, not the Tommy dress.

In any event, I’ve gotten well wishes today from seven old colleagues.

I rode out on a parade float. Could not have asked for a better job, boss or send-off.

My cup ranneth over when a friend saw I left behind my blue butterfly. Asked if she could have it. I was so touched.

I said yes and take something else I left because that’s even more you.

I left a couple other things too. So bittersweet to hear of people wandering in, seeing my beloved space empty and feeling sad at my absence.

It didn’t have to be this way.

But it is.

Funny how things happen that you never think will change you. But they end up changing everything.

Like your peace. Your patience. Your values. The way you look at certain people and situations.

Today I thank the universe for all the gifts it has given me. Even the gifts I’ve returned or that otherwise opted to go to the recycle bin, dumpster fire or wherever previously loved things go.

Thank you for serving your purpose. And leading me closer to mine.

And an unexpected cheers to the old friends who have come back into my life either because of my life change or simply as a sign that I’m on a good path.

There are more of those than I expected here. And one fewer where I was.

Logging out works too

February 8th, 2020, 3:00 PM by Goddess