65 and sunny

Beautiful day. Loaded up on painkillers, grabbed hotcakes and coffee from Mickey D’s and went to a playground this morning for breakfast in the sun. Jumped on the swingset awhile later and swung till I got dizzy and tired. Called Mom and finished my coffee while we talked. Drove around for awhile — ended up store-hopping on Richmond Highway and finally landed here at the Veggie Patch to knock out some major work before tomorrow (which I expect to be pure chaos, at best).

I am torn about having to move into the office next door, which comes with the promotion. I love what I’ve done with my existing sacred lil space and will stay here as long as I can. I have too much else to worry about right now.

My friend Susan is giving birth tomorrow! Everyone wait patiently till Chloe Renee comes kicking and screaming into the world, our new little St. Patrick’s princess!!! I will get photos and post them as soon as humanly possible. 🙂


Drug date! Susan’s set for noon tomorrow for the delivery. I shall take a Percocet in her honor, as she will be taking one at the same time. 🙂 I can’t be there, but I will be high for her. Hey, what are friends for? *wink*

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