A parting note (for now)
I know you’ve seen it before, but it was worth another view. Happy Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Xmas Eve, and Happy Mercury in Retrograde. And if I forgot something, the pic should cover it!!!
I’m taking off for Pittsburgh in a few hours (via Wheeling, to drop off Bryan and Paul). The car is washed, vacuumed and has freshly changed oil. Thanks to Shawn for watching my babies for me while I’m away. (Aside to Shawn: There are some goodies for you on the kitchen counter! And I’m sure the girls will leave you a surprise in the litterbox, too. Oh, and that bag of green herbs is meant for kitties, not humans! Heh.)
See you all on Sunday! Lots of love and luck to you all during this festive season!