All over the place
Funny how I was on such a blogging kick earlier this week, and now, I’m out of original thoughts.
I am doing something new this magazine cycle: I am doing all I can do and not worrying about things beyond my control. It’s empowering. I always worry about what *can* go wrong, because it helps me to solve crises before they occur. But the lesson I recently learned is that I just can’t prepare for the “who’da thunk it” events — I can only take a moment to reel from them and then go about fixing them.
I’ve let a lot of shit at work slide — I am very priority-oriented, and if something has little or nothing to do with my current issue of the paper, I put it on the back burner … often, until I forget it’s back there and it just goes away. That’s not me — I am not a person who does the bare minimum to get by. Today is a big day of playing catch-up. Or, rather, it will be, after I get just one more cuppa coffee in my system.
I’ve been alternating between insomnia and narcolepsy. My wrist is killing me, and when I can attempt to sleep through the pain, my kitten Kadi starts ripping up the house. She wakes up every night at 3 a.m., and, by default, so do I.
I’ve been having dreams about the men with whom I work. For the most part, this is scary. Angie swears I need to get out more, if I dream about these guys. 🙂
Oh, in better news, Angie and I have tickets to see Cyndi Lauper at Wolftrap next month. Yay! It’s the little things, ya know?
I worked from home yesterday. Amazing how much I get done without the phone ringing off the damn wall. Not to mention, but I didn’t get started till 10:30 a.m. (much like a typical day in the office). I worked late, of course, but it was great following my body clock and not having to feel like people are clocking my hours. Got everything done at 9 p.m. in the comfort and sanctity of my apartment. God, how grand it is to NOT have your energy drained from you in an office setting!
Speaking of office settings, oh god. Queen of the Underworld just paid me a visit in my humble office. I should’ve felt the air change. She was in a meeting before coming over, and she took a break to do some calisthenics in my office. Seriously, she was doing leg lifts and bends and stretches, asking me inane questions. I was in no mood for that shit.
On iTunes: Melissa Etheridge/Shakira, “Come to My Window/Inevitable (Live)”