And yet I still like what I do for a living. …
Let’s see, editorial deadline was two days ago, and I am still getting in submissions. Two people at least had the courtesy to call me and ask me about a possible extension (i.e., they could turn in a crap piece on time, or I could wait a day and get their version of editorial gold). I always choose the latter, because their gold wouldn’t buy a dime-store hooker a gumball.
I got a late submission today, and of course it came after me repeatedly hunting these people down and finally telling them that I won’t accept a word over 1,600 because of their lateness. OK, this led them to A) Crawl out of hiding, B) Promise me an article and C) Assure me that 1,600 words was perfect and I would receive it post-haste.
Four hours later, I get the document. What’s the word count, O Great Editorial Goddess, you ask? 2,750. D’Oh! Was their, oh, “Word Count” feature not working properly?
Not to mention, it sucks. Blows. Hurts my ass worse than butt floss. I’m in editorial hell, I tell you. Hell.
I worked from 9 a.m. till midnight last night (with breaks, of course), editing pure shit. And today was no different. Sure, I did read some redeeming submissions, but my eyes are tired and my hands hurt from rewriting sentences and moving paragraphs.
In better news, I had great (work-related) phone conversations during the last two days. I really do love my people, even when I want to beat the shit out of them. 🙂 But some of these people are doing the work as volunteers (read: unpaid), so it is arguable that I get what I pay for.
We have a furlough day tomorrow (read: I’ll be here till midnight again tonight) and a holiday on Monday. The printer graciously gave me a one-day extension, given this fact, but I ain’t tellin’ nobody that — I am going to ask my proofers to just work really fast so next week can be a little less painful than this one.
In any event, thanks to everyone who took Tricia’s survey (for her thesis)! If you haven’t done it yet, go now. Thanks!