Christ is risen. Alleluia
Despite getting a friendly (personal!) e-mail reminder from my ex-pastor, I didn’t go to chuch today. I need to. I want to. I just … don’t.
But I did do a good deed today. Two, if I really think about it, but I’m not one to serve and tell. The way I see it, you can either go listen to the message or go out and live it.
The big news ’round these parts is that I went to see Charlie Sheen perform last night. It was … interesting. He was smart enough to hire Jeff Ross as moderator/roast-master/comic relief. I video’d Ross’ roast of Charlie Sheen. That made the ticket price worthwhile right there.
Well, that and the fact that we had SWEET seats. We were upgraded because the section we WERE supposed to be in was closed due to not-so-great ticket sales.
Charlie really should have rented out one of the Improvs down here and made it more exclusive, instead of us only taking up a little less than half of the arena. But, whatevs.
I may have a full report back on the show. Or I may not. I still don’t know what the hell I just saw. Domestic violence issues aside (as if they could ever be pushed aside, but bear with me for a sec), he seems like he’s got the weight of the world on his shoulders — much of it from his own doing — and not one single effective coping skill.
But he hired great talent to amuse us, so maybe he really is #winning after all. Or, he will, someday.
Anyway, hope the bunny was good to y’all. Since we don’t have any relatives and we’re definitely low on friends, we adopted someone as family today. And it kind of reminded me how shitty my mom’s life really has been and, yet, what a good person she remains committed to being.
Speaking about the metaphorical “we” as in “we as a society and not just here in this house,” it’s sad how easy it is for us to be good to people who are NOT related to us. Well, the sad part is really how hideously we can all treat each other when we’re bound by blood or law or moral obligation.
Alas, it’s a day for the slate to come clean. Well, as clean as it can — Lord knows even the best glass cleaners leave some streaks. Easter is a reminder to (try to) dump the dead weight, to let go of the petty crap and to focus on doing whatever it was that God let us come here to do.
We can all do better. Personality-wise, effort-wise, skill-wise and relationship-wise. It’s hard to time those resolutions around the New Year, but at Easter when we’re reminded of what has been sacrificed for us, it seems to be the least that we can do is to find our own small ways to honor God and, therefore, ourselves.