Countdown to Punkin-palooza 2003

No posting for most of today — we’re gettin’ the gang together for some punkin pickin’ this afternoon in Maryland (yeah, because I love driving the Beltway so). It’ll be good to spend a day outdoors and away from the insanity that is my existence.

Send happy thoughts to Dave, who came over last night for a mutual therapy session over pizza and a foreign flick. Remember, it’s all about fun, and failing that, don’t forget, “GTHU!”

Oh, and send a “Go, Mom!” to my dear mother Robin up in Pittsburgh, who is being propositioned for some wild sex by a 28-year-old. Go Mom!!! She called at 8 a.m. for advice, and my advice, of course, was to bring a box of Trojans and a case of KY. Y’know, ’cause it’s been awhile for her. 😉

And as an aside, I’m doing some blogroll changes. If you aren’t on there and want to be, leave a comment to that effect. The list is done in no particular order, just by category, so if you want to be moved up, I am open for oral favors as bribery. …

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