Executive Summary
So much shit happening, and due to server migration and migraine-ation because of it, my posts won’t show up for awhile. If ever. Bleah. So here is the summary, as I am on emotion-overload and am about to fucking burst.
1. Spent last evening in hospital, driving around Alexandria and Arlington, and trying to be pillar of sanity for IKEA Boy, as his beloved purposely landed himself in the ER. Saved my own breakdown for later, during private time. I did provide some comic relief in the fact that I fell down the stairs, tripping on wet leaves from the medics’ shoes.
2. Ingested a liquid dinner after 1 a.m., drove home and promptly disposed of it beside my car.
3. Awoke late because of non-hangover and sore throat/head from last night’s Mike’s Hard Iced Tea rebellion from my digestive tract.
4. Arrived at work late, only to take over my responsibilities in IKEA Boy’s and my “Weekend at Bernie’s” heist — i.e., he covered for the fact that I was MIA, and I covered for the fact that he went AWOL as well.
5. Had wild discussion with my past about threesomes, received a playful invitation to consider being a guest star, got an open invitation to escape briefly to a city I’ve never visited and actually tried to determine when that adventure (the visit, not the three-way!) can take place. (although I will admit to taking the latter under serious consideration, although that means overcoming my natural Alpha Dog instinct. …) The only problem with the visit is for the fact that somebody’s still on the ol’ shit list for reasons best left unexplained. …
6. Had the most recent of several conversations with my long-lost RK (see July entries for the beginning — and ending — of that entanglement). I’m riding his ass big-time for dropping off the face of the earth (and enjoying every excruciating moment that I inflict). Long-time readers would be SO proud of my snarkiness, but I’ll post that after I scare him away again. LOL. We’ll see if he’s tough enough to survive it, and I’ll be pretty damned impressed if he can handle me. ‘Cause not too many men have been able to withstand that challenge.
6. See #5 — had semi-serious discussion with RK about moving in (as a roommate — only!) next year when the lease is up. ‘Twould be cheaper for me, but a longer commute to work. Then again, do I really want to be working at the Veggie Patch next year at this time? HELL no!!! I’d hate to be farther away from IKEA Boy and Shan, but shit, like we all couldn’t crash at each other’s places! However, I’d have to drive quite a ways to go to the gym. Damn. But it would be a longer commute to come here to have biz meetings with Shan, and we have those practically every day. But it’s not like we have a problem picking up the phone and yakking away. And I have most of my convos with other friends via Instant Messenger anyway. Hmm. One snarky comment I can share, I told RK it would be pretty difficult to lose my phone number if I live, oh, down the hall from him. LOL. I rule.
7. Haven’t had my good, weekly chat with my mom, which just sucks. Did have a brief discussion with her and my grandfather on Tuesday, but of course I was at the bar and couldn’t hear anything. At the same bar, Shan knocked over a full beer and when we arrived back at work, I almost fell on my ass on the newly mopped floor in the lobby. Comedy of errors, as always. Never met two less-coordinated people in my LIFE!!! Of course we had to find each other in this world. Of course. Thank god.
8. Story deadline was today, but I was fucking useless at work today (worried about situation described in #1) and not in a productive mood. Looks like a working weekend is in store. Fuck.
9. Late in paying car payment (no stamps — shit — the thing was due Monday) and skipping student loan payment altogether (as car can be repossessed but education cannot be). Still not enough to pay outstanding bills, but I’ll figure something out. And I’m going to budget for beers at Bennigan’s tomorrow, because damn it, I’m worth it.
10. Fought with one of my credit card companies because they changed my account number and sent my new card to the wrong address, causing untold grief in the following ways:
a. I had to beg them to let me make a payment, as I had not received my new card by the time the payment fell due. Had to yell at them and say that I’d be much less pleasant after I got charged a late fee ($34) and over-the-limit fee ($39) for not being able to hand them what I owed them before the day it was owed. They “graciously” waived the fee to allow me to pay over the phone. Motherfuckers.
b. Because my account number was changed, four recurring bills are now being charged to the air that I’m breathing. Had to call cell phone company because new card finally arrived today and my phone service was threatened to be cut off today because of an “invalid credit card number.” Fuck. Another fee waived.
c. Must change other recurring bills before night is over.
d. One representative at the credit card company told me that I must have been hallucinating in thinking that I had updated my address online, as I had not, as new card was sent to old Pittsburgh address. Dumb bitch. Obviously, the database coughed out my new addy and she didn’t want to admit that the server was PMS-ing during the account switch fiasco.
11. As referened in intro graf, server migration has been painful. Killed old Trillian account, now on H-Sphere. Blogger isn’t being cooperative, but I dare not ask them for customer service, as they have ignored a couple of e-mails on my part for the fact that several old entries of mine have bitten the dust, including a mammoth entry made after Brat’s last day of work, a day that my heart shriveled up and died. Not that I NEED that record, but I want it. To learn from it and prevent ever making myself so vulnerable again.
12. Tiff sewed her pants and they’re better than ever!!!
Whew. And this was all in 24 hours. Motherfuck.