Friday Five

1. Name five things in your refrigerator.

Coffee grounds, Diet Vanilla Coke, French’s Wasabi Horseradish GourMayo, apple butter and eggs.

2. Name five things in your freezer.

Garlic bread, a Red Baron pizza, a pack of Hot Pockets, a pack of Hershey’s chocolates and a gel eye mask.

3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.

Two vases, a can of Raid, a jug of Palmolive dishwashing soap, a bottle of Jet Dry and a box of dishwasher soap tablets.

4. Name five things around your computer.

Lamp, ashtray, empty glass (from last night), empty cigarette box and a cup of coffee.

5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.

Tampax Lites, hair spray/gel, Band-Aids, peroxide and sparkle gel for when I’m goin’ out on the town.

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