I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work.
*whew* I feel better.
I really feel like I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. And I feel like my head is going to implode today. And I would love some training in not only how to do my job better, but also in how to deal with office politics. I now have to go beef up some stories (that I didn’t write) because the “right” people weren’t quoted. And here I was just pleased to have new, cutting-edge topics with different voices than the same leaders who are quoted in every issue of the paper.
Kill me.