Half Patch
I spent a half day at the Veggie Patch, after Cruise Director came into my office and said, “I thought you were supposed to be so sick?” I said I was. So he said, “Well go home then.” I said I came in to do an interview. He laughed and said, “Well, then, will you go home after it?” I promised I would.
I notice with him, like I noticed with Her Royal Pretentiousness at the last job, that he doesn’t make eye contact with me. When HRP decided she was over someone (i.e., couldn’t care if they lived or died), she refused to speak to them, just at them. Even though the conversation was warm and funny, I felt more alienated than anything.
Speaking of the interview, I loved my interviewee. Bright, funny, on-the-ball and creative. I could see having her on my team. I told H.R. that I definitely want her for a second interview.
I have two interviews next week, one Monday and one Tuesday (god forbid I get the paper out, as editorial deadline is Thursday and we have a two hour managers’ meeting on Wednesday). I am excited to meet the one on Monday (the witch, if you read my earlier entry). The guy coming on Tuesday is about three times my age and is pushy as can be. AND he’s flying down here from New York for the interview.
H.R. and I tried to dissuade him from coming — what with the entry-level job, the low salary, the lack of help with moving costs, etc. We both worry about his pushiness — that he will cause me headaches if I would hire him (and I’ve had enough bad staff members to know that I have to be a bitch from day one with his type). H.R. is also worried that he will simply be taking this job just so he has a job; meaning, once he would get settled in D.C., he’d be gone in a couple of months, and onto better things.
I’ve learned a lot during this hiring process. Tiff had made mention one day, when I was ranting about another pushy interviewee, that now she knows what people think when they decide whether to interview you or not. This one girl from out-of-state had sent an e-mail to someone in our company (who works in Indianapolis) who handles career services for our members. The e-mail stated that she was going to be in D.C. in three days and wanted to meet with us. Well, the off-site chick sent the e-mail to Shan on a Friday evening, who sent it to me on a Monday afternoon when I was working at the print shop, and I got the e-mail on Tuesday evening when I finally worked through my 250 e-mails. So, of course, we missed the girl while she was in town.
I don’t know — I thought her e-mail was terse, and I decided I was never going to let another brat steamroll over me again (a la Two Strikes, where I had HRP’s illiterate goddaughter as the No. 1 thorn in my side, next to HRP’s position as No. 1 bug up my ass). It’s funny how much our past experiences influence our future actions, but how can they not?
Anyway, I skipped giving my interviewee a writing test and whatnot. I figured H.R. had probably grilled her for a solid hour (which she had) as well as told her wonderful things about the Veggie Patch (again, affirmative). So I told her flat-out that I wanted to get to know her — her impressive resume had gotten her through the front door, but it would be her ability to click with me that would get her back through it again. Whether she was surprised or not by my tactics and bluntness, I will never know. She simply jumped on the bandwagon and prepared to play hardball. And I loved it — we laughed and really took a lot from the conversation.
I wish dating were like the hiring process. I wish I could ask for resumes and line everyone up outside my office, once I approved their cover letters and writing samples. I would love for people to compete for my respect and affections — not just demand it or not care one way or the other what I feel. And if I wouldn’t find anyone to choose from that pile, I could just run another ad in the WaPo and start the search fresh.
Ah, hell. Let’s face it — I want mate-shopping to be like Toys ‘R Us. I want to buy the Hulk doll with the two-inch penis and I want to buy Ken with his plastic cup penis and hell, I’ll buy a Barbie, too. And I’ll pick which one I like and return the rest and get my damn money back. 🙂 But till that day comes, I will just revel in hiring a competent sidekick to make my job a lil bit easier.