Heat wave
It is 89 degrees in the old hacienda this evening. Shit.
I knew the a/c was going to go, so I did put in a call to maintenance late last night. But it totally went kaput today. By the time I got home from work (’round 8:15 p.m.), it was blazing hot. The cats started bitching at me the second they saw me.
Oy vey. I guess that means no getting any sleep tonight. Bah.
In better news, other things are just peachy. Peachier than ever, if I dare say so myself. And one thing I must mention, the H.R. director showered me with compliments today over Angie’s review. Really complimented my writing and my extensive comments. I refrained from making any snarky remarks about what a sham I anticipate my own review to be — best to keep her thinking I am a true professional!
Oh, and I was caught headbanging again in my office by the same executive who caught me last time. Today’s music? Winger. LOL. I think he’s just surprised to see any signs of life in the mausoleum we know and love as the Veggie Patch!