Hot pussy

It’s hot. I’m overworked. Things otherwise are just strange and too bizarre to ponder in public. All I can say is that life throws ya some twists and turns that you can never prepare yourself for. And I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but I intend to use it to my advantage in every way possible.

The cats have been funny in this blazing heat (oh, and the apartment complex refuses to turn on the a/c capabilities till May 15 — it’s been upward of 79 degrees for the past three days! Gaaah, I have to sleep inside my balcony door or I will swelter!). Kadi has been caterwauling up a windstorm, and Maddie’s just been retiring to the coolness of the bathtub and staying out of the way. I have been taking the girls outside, alternately, holding them and letting them enjoy the fresh air on the balcony, and they seem to like it out there.

The problem with that, though, is that they think they should always be outside with me. Kadi, especially, has been trying to bust through the screen door, trying to get at me. When she wasn’t able to do that (give her time, though — I’m sure she’ll be outside on her own soon!), she went up to the glass sliding door behind where I was sitting, took a flying leap, and went *splat* into the glass. I couldn’t help it — I lost my shit. She looked so dazed! (Not the brightest cat — remember, I call her “Short Bus” or “Shorty B.” when I want to be politically correct!) I kept tapping on the window after that, and she kept trying to swat at my hand. She went to bite my finger through the glass too. Always a riot around here. 🙂

Oh, speaking of hot pussy, guess who was gettin’ dead-stared at Wal-Mart by a hot chick? Moi, that’s who. Too bad I have a steadfast rule of no dating anyone you pick up at Wally’s because you just don’t know where they’ve been, ’cause she was kinda hot, actually. 😉 Met her at the photo counter, and she watched me walk out of the store. Damn. Anyway, just wanted to share — she isn’t the worst thing that’s tried to pick me up lately!!!

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