The world isn’t right for me today. I have less than $3 to last till payday on Monday, Shan is out of town (so no Benny’s jaunts tonight, which is fine, ’cause I’s po’), and I have no Xmas spirit. At all. And it’s going to rain on Xmas, when I’m planning to drive to Pgh. Argh. Me + driving in rain + (probably) fog = not a happy Dawn. Argh. I was driving through Arlington in the fog last night, which was not pretty for me. But I have to say, I was damn lucky, ’cause when I was on Washington Boulevard, on the way to BN’s and PG’s place, we saw a Krispy Kreme truck all turned around and tilted, and there were like eight cop cars and just as many civilian cars — it looked like the truck had hit them all, just minutes before we drove past. Whew. While I am truly sorry for the people involved, I am just grateful that I wasn’t involved. I couldn’t have handled it. I was nervous on the roads yesterday, anyway, for some reason — perhaps the fact that BN and PG asked to stop at 7-11 for a minute before we took off for their place might have saved our lives. ::Whew::
Got to see MU last night, which was a good thing. It’s amazing how good he and IKEA Boy both look, now that they aren’t together. 🙂 There’s just something about both of them — probably that I’m-on-the-prowl aura — but sadly, I’ve never seen either one look happier. So much for relationships being the utopia that so many of us believe that they are supposed to be. Perhaps I will count among my blessings that I am single. lol.
Speaking of being single, I still never returned G3’s call. If he wants me, he can call back. And if he doesn’t call back, I can rest assured that my “hole mentality” was on the money. What I did not share with you, faithful readers, was that after talking with me, his roommate told me, “You’re the most intelligent one he’s brought home.” In and of itself, it wasn’t bad, but then the roomie asked if I had any aspirin, and I only had Vicodin (I forgot to take it out of my purse from the time I got cracked in the head with a glass serving platter during my Xmas decorating). I told him that I was apprehensive about sharing my prescription, and he said he still wanted it. Then he said, “That’s what I like about (G3) — he always finds the girls with the good drugs.” Argh.
I was thinkin’ about taking a road trip this weekend, but I have less than a half-tank of gas to last till payday. While I do love my job (it’s a no-brainer and definitely NOT a huge time commitment on my part), I’d gladly exchange the Club Med(icated) atmosphere in favor of a decent pay stub. And why the fuck do we have to get paid on the 7th and 22nd of each month? My bill collectors aren’t exactly amused by that, but they do love collecting the finance charges!
At least I’m in good company. Among IKEA Boy, BN, PG, MU and myself, we probably didn’t even have $8. I happened to have a free movie rental for Blockbuster, so last night, we rented “Unfaithful.” The boys weren’t thrilled with it, but I loved it. Although … I kinda had to explain to them the part where Diane Lane had to go take a ‘ho bath in the subway bathroom. 🙂 They need a woman to help them understand these things. lol.
I still have Xmas cards to write. I suppose I should take my $3 and go to Starbucks for awhile and finish those up. AND, I have a coupon for buy-one-get-one. Hmm. Would it be tacky to purchase two drinks at once and then sit there, writing my cards?
Also, I am going to take my ass to the gym today if it kills me, and for as poorly as I’ve been eating and for as frequently as I’ve been smoking, it just might. (*Note to self: put paramedics on speed dial.)