I peed on a stick and it turned pink!

And this is good news.

Trust me on this.

And don’t worry … no rabbits died during this process.

When one is on the Atkins diet, one is encouraged to use Ketostix to measure ketosis (i.e., fat-burning). Just a few minutes ago, I finally, finally saw the first trace of pink, which means that the burning process has begun. w00t!!!

Granted, I’ve got a LOOONG way to go till the stick turns purple, but hey, this is progress. I’ve been tired of seeing the stick remain beige, which means that nothing is going on. But this, my friends, is that little bit of encouragement that I’ve needed all week. Perhaps it was my dinner-on-the-road — acquired somewhere north of Baltimore at 11 p.m. — of a bunless hot dog, string cheese, a beef stick and a handful of cashews, that kick-started the process (yay for disgusting gas-station food!), but I’m a happy girl. I know I won’t sleep tonight (as usual), but I will definitely be happy as I lie awake and swelter.

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