I was up early this morning (thanks to Short Bus cat being an asshole at 6 a.m.), so I got up and went driving.
I was halfway down King Street when a song came on my CD that I made yesterday. I was groovin’ to it and, for the life of me, I couldn’t remember the artist. (Short-term memory: non-existent.) In all irony, I stopped behind someone at a red light, and that person had a Kilgore bumper sticker. Would you believe that Kilgore was the band name I was struggling to remember?
At any rate, somebody must have released all the hot people from the dungeon this morning — yum! I went to D(r)unkin’ Donuts and to Tar-zhay, and everybody I walked past was hotter than the next one. I suppose it pays to get up early sometimes — the scenery was incredible!!! Of course, my eyes were only half-open at 8 a.m., so you be the judge. 😉