It’s a girl!

Welcome Alexandria Marie Edwards to the world, folks. 🙂

She’s 4 lb., 11 oz and 17 1/2 inches long. She came screaming into the world at 2:46 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 9, after a whopping 17 minutes of labor. She’s the prettiest and biggest munchkin in the NICU, and everyone who’s seen her is in love with her. She’s got a full head of hair, dancer’s legs, big feet, pretty little fingers and nails and a set of lungs that would make even a full-term baby envious. Oh, and did I mention that she registered her disgust with the hospital staff by peeing on her first X-Ray?!?! 😉

Her mom’s doing OK, minus some post-birth agony. Alex is kicking and responding like a pro, and Aunt Dawn is exhausted from a very full afternoon, evening and now morning at the hospital. 😉 Thanks for all your good wishes (especially those coming from Ireland — thanks to Leslie for her trans-Atlantic blessing of our new little Irish princess!). You’ve all been such a great support to me as well during this very trying time!

And of course I have purchased every single “It’s a Girl!” item from the hospital gift shop. 🙂 < / proud aunt behavior, for now anyway! >

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