It’s a ‘Massacre,’ all right

Saw “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” tonight with Shawn and our birthday boy Scott, who has a milestone birthday coming up on Monday.

Scott and I were wisecracking when we arrived at the ghetto theater at 8:15 p.m. — he thought we should buy tickets to the movie that started at 7:55 p.m. (to shorten our misery). I figured we should buy tickets to the 6 p.m. showing and just miss it altogther. But no, we went to the 9:20 show. Regrettably.

Shawn and I loved the original, made in 1974. It was psychological. This one is blood and gore. And it’s not quite the same storyline.

But then again, let’s just say that the movie audience missed its flight to “The Jerry Springer Show” — I can’t tell you how many times I heard, “You go on girl!” from everyone else in the audience. Everyone was hooting and cheering and laughing and yelling at the screen. And, of course, having their own conversations for the whole theater to hear. My boys noted that, when we were leaving the theater, the adventure seemed incomplete without “Jerry’s Final Thought.”

If you’re into a movie that’s a hybrid of “Blair Witch Project,” “Halloween” and “Scary Movie,” go spend the nine bucks. If not, go buy some weed and save yourself the aggravation of leaving the house. 😉

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