Kill Me, part deux

It’s almost 9. That’s p.m. I am at work. I am done with my part and am waiting for the layout. Yes, we’re behind schedule, but not by much. Demure is still hinting that she’s available to go to the publishing establishment with me on Friday. (Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ NOOOO!!). She’s been pleasant today — either she is beginning to like me or she is reveling in the fact that she wrote a job description that will exclude me from the running.

I dropped a snappy little note to Frosty, one of several, saying,

“Hi again Frosty,

I was just re-reading the Veggie Gazette job description, and of course I’d love to apply for it; However, I am concerned because my work history doesn’t seem to match the established requirements. How should I approach this?

Thank you,


What I wanted to write, but Shan talked me out of, was, “I am overqualified to do my superior’s and her superior’s jobs, yet you don’t want me to be a pissy little editor? Jesus H, people!”

I don’t know. During the course of the day, they changed the description and re-sent it to me. I need to submit a resume by the 29th. I am thinking that I will wait UNTIL the 29th to do that, because by then, I might not want to go for it.

I need to do something to at least make money on the side, so I can get current on my bills. Then, I’d like to take whatever that side business is, and make it into a lucrative effort. Shan and I talked about that today. She wants to see me teaching classes, but I’d rather consult with small groups instead of being an instructor. We came up with a brilliant website idea that we’d like to create, maybe have people subscribe to it for $12 or $15/year. It would have to be an advanced website, one that would require no maintenance from us, whatsoever, other than monthly updates. But I think our planned content is relevant and in demand.

At any rate, perhaps if I can dump some of the writing on freelancers here, perhaps I can do freelance writing somewhere ELSE. Our subject matter ranges from the insipid to the fascinating, and every damn where in between. I’d like to write about things that matter to me, even if it’s with another association that just supports a different cause. I never end up working for causes that truly light a fire under me (except ROP, but that’s unpaid). But then again, maybe if I can write a proposal that can bring in salary money, then maybe I can get a small position there.

Yes, I think I’ve found my next project. 🙂

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