Life and death
A kid I went to elementary school with was just killed in a car accident.
He was one of the nice ones too.
41 is too fucking young.
He was killed on a road where my family got into a terrible accident too. We were hit by a drunk driver. Screwed us all up for life.
My friend had four small kids. And everyone will say how sad that he was a father who left them behind.
I worry that if something happens to me, mom will be alone with no support or income. The woman who can’t leave the house by herself would be forced onto the streets without my income. She would probably die of a broken heart. And I wonder if the world would notice whether either of us were gone.
In any event, I hope his family finds a way to survive without him, financially and emotionally. And I will thank God that, by His grace, mom and I are OK for one more day.