I’m exhausted. Really. I did post last night, but it’s still in draft mode and will probably stay there till the end of time. 🙂 Have loads of editing on the magazine to do, but right now, I’m feeling the effects of a major case of insomnia last night, and my patience and energy are limited. My boss asked me a stupid question this morning, and I held up my thumb and forefinger and said, “I have exactly this much patience today; I plan to expend it wisely.” Meaning, don’t waste my tiime with the usual inanities.
Had to park in BFE last night — I got home around 10:30, and I had to park over at the Safeway in the neighboring plaza — between one car with a window busted out and covered with a trash bag and the other with a mosaic-style cracked windshield. I don’t pray much, but I said a prayer as I left my little Samantha shivering between the two scary cars.