Not my day
OK, I’ve made about three dozen pretzel wreaths and about four dozen balls. My back HURTS!!!
I took a break to watch “Daria” (where I heard my favorite line, in response to a psychiatrist asking her if she always talks to computers, “Only when the refrigerator is mad at me.” *snort*) and decided to get back to the Betty Crocked (you heard me right) schtick. I started two cookie recipes, only to find that I am missing unsweetened cocoa for one and honey for the other. Jimminy Christmas, what the hell? I could always do peanut butter balls, but my back will never forgive me for that.
Oh, my apartment rental place thought it would be cute to turn off the heat in our building during business hours. This, I did not have a problem with, because it was a nice day outside. But now, at 10:15 p.m., I am cold and SO IS THE AIR IN MY APARTMENT. Oh yes, the heat is NOT back on — it’s all a/c right now. And I haven’t managed to get my electric blanket and comforter cleaned, so it’ll be layers of clothing tonight. *sigh*
Unrelated, I had a scheme cooked up. One thing you need to understand about me is that I am always up to something. People always comment that I always have a look on my face that makes them think I am up to no good. They are right. Problem is, I am motivated by my schemes, and when I call them off, it’s like a huge letdown. And I’m calling off the new one. For now, anyway, till a better one occurs to me.
The next two days at work are going to be cake, I tell you. Thank god. I’m overdue for some slacking. I just have to do some schedules for the new year, but I have them down on paper already; I just need to reformat and distribute them. Nearly everyone is out of the office, so I can actually keep my door open without fear of unwanted visitors. Woo hoo! I always have a big “Do Not Disturb — Disturbed Enough Already!” sign up, and it usually keeps out the “career visitors.” At least the office gossips had the sense to take vacation days this week instead of showing up and then taking vacation on company time!