Sounds of the (fucking) season

Subtitle: Hark, hear my screams

First of all, a warm welcome to visitors who come via Dave Copeland, a fellow journalist and Pittsburgher. The link he referred you guys to was this one, although you might also enjoy this pic, sent to me from another Pittsburgh (Fox Chapel) expatriate who’s enjoying life in Ireland these days!

I neglected to mention in yesterday’s post, when the kitties found the condom under my bed, that Kadi managed to bite straight through the wrapper. She hasn’t died (damn it all anyway!), so it’s safe to say that condoms make good toys for cats AND pussies! 😉

Spent the day at the print shop and also wandering around Springfield Mall. Things went OK with the paper this month, give or take enough arguments with influentials to choke a fucking horse. I may get some shit because I printed a candid thumbnail of one of our presidential candidates. (It’s a no-no to give them any press after their candidacy is announced, but King Kumquat has ordained that I must give press to Evil Bitch, who is running, so I figured I would quietly promote the candidate that I personally favor. Muahaha. I might as well get the fan ready for when he sees the paper tomorrow. …)

I am already so motherfucking SICK of holiday music already! I went shopping for something cheap for Shan’s birthday (which was Saturday), and every miserable store was playing the same crap that the last store was playing. Hark, hear my screams, I tell ya. One more month of this aural torture to go … will I make it without ripping the beard off a fake Santa or breaking an antler off a reindeer and sticking it up the ass of a small, screaming child? The sounds of the season are more frightening than the theme music to the “Friday the 13th” series!

In personal news, I finally got the missing part to my gas grill, and I made filet mignons and hot dogs tonight (food for the week, friends — payday isn’t till Friday). Too bad I didn’t have the grill part for, oh, my housewarming party, when I had to buy a fucking grill especially for that occasion. But I’ll give my little charcoal wonder to my neighbor/colleague, RC, whom I have kind of been taking care of in little ways (i.e., sending groceries and/or cooking meals and taking a plate down to her). Maybe I’ll clean it out and buy some charcoal and some utensils at the dollars store and make kind of an early holiday gift out of it. She’s one of those people who’s really grateful for anything you do to help, so I know she’ll love it (I just hope she doesn’t call seven times to thank me, like she did when I bought her groceries last month — a single thank-you is wonderful, but I prefer to do nice things because I want to, not because I desire recognition).

Actually, RC is another Pittsburgh (Mount Lebanon) expatriate (what the hell is it with D.C.? I can’t believe how many of us have defected to this area!), so it was neat to have that bond during our first conversation. And even Clyde and Gisele at the print shop lived and/or have family in my old stomping grounds. Funny how we all stick together down here, even though not a one of us has a desire to go back there to live anytime soon (if at all).

In any event, if you’re like me and happen to be shopping for Pittsburghers this holiday season, then I have to refer you to Dave C.’s list of Pittsburgh Barbies, for that pesky yinzer on your shopping list. Enjoy!

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